Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Reflection for December 3, 2014

"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."(John 13:35)

All of us have been told that we will be known by the company we keep.  What type of people do we associate with?  How do they interact with each other?  How do they interact with those outside of the group?

The first standard of judging a group will be how do they treat each other. Do they seem to enjoy each other's company.  Is there a spirit of respect and cooperation?  Do they love each other in word and deed?  Or do they seem to be in constant conflict, snide comments flying all the time.  Whispering in corners?  It doesn't take long to figure it out.  This can be true of any gathering of people and the church as a gathering of people is no different.

When I go into a church gathering I also look to see how the folks interact.  What is the atmosphere like?  Is this a group of disciples who have figured out how to love?

Now love does not mean not challenging each other.  Not being willing to confront behaviors or problems.  But there are ways to do this that are in fact reflecting of the commandment to love.  And as a someone striving to be known as a disciple that is the standard I have to hold for myself.

And then when we are outside of the group, the standard still applies. I am commanded to love, even those I disagree with.  The love doesn't gloss over the disagreement, but it attempts to ensure that we can work through it without getting distracted by personal attacks.


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