Sunday, December 7, 2014

Reflection for December 6, 2014

"I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now."(John 16:12)

Do you ever have those times when your brain feels like it is on overload?  When so much information seems to be coming at you all at once.  You don't feel like there's anytime to process it, and eventually it gets to be too much and you shut down.  You just stop listening.  If you can tell that someone wants to say something more to you, you're probably tempted to say can it wait.

This is especially true when all the data come at you seems negative.  How much bad news can one person take?  I know I have my limits.

It seems very compassionate of Jesus to say I got more info for you, but I can tell you're overloaded and so it can wait.  And it is sometimes helpful to have someone to shut the faucet off for awhile.

It is also true that the information can be positive and yet still overwhelming.  Because we should be constantly learning, we need to figure out how to pace ourselves, so that we can take in the new information and get a handle on it.  But even then we might need someone to tell us to shut it down for a while.

How do you turn it off for a time when you've gotten to that information overload?


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