Thursday, March 20, 2014

Reflections for 3/20/14

"Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but one who has a hasty temper exalts folly."
(Proverbs 14:29)

I like to believe that it takes a lot to get me riled up.  That's not to say that I never get angry.  Heck even Jesus got angry, but it took a lot to get him there.  It isn't the anger that gets us in trouble but the speed with which we react to situations with anger that matters. 

I say speed not that there aren't moments that will really make you mad.  But there are folks for whom anger is their default position on everything.  The problem is when we react that way to everything, we may have not evaluated the situation properly.  We may in fact be reacting in a way that has nothing to do with the actual situation, sort of the last straw response.

When I feel myself getting angry I often have to slow down and take a deep breath.  I want to make sure that my response is actually appropriate to the situation.  Will my anger result in a positive outcome or will it add fuel to the fire? 

A greater understanding comes from a slower reaction, perhaps a more prayerful one.  A hasty reaction often makes matters worse.


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