Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Reflections for 7/12/11

"We must hep bear each other's burdens. We must pray for each other. We must nourish each other, weep with each other, rejoice with each other. Sometimes we must just learn to let each other alone. In short we must love each other."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life." p.181)

At most weddings that I officiate, they inevitably read 1 Corinthians 13.  I'm not saying that's a bad thing. Actually it is probably the best marital advice in the Bible, which is ironic since it has nothing to do with marriage.  It is of course very much about community and relationship with others, and for those of us who are married that relationship is certainly way at the top.

The things we do for love is more than walking in the rain and the snow.  It is about helping someone who is overburdened.  If we are people who pray, be willing to pray.  To offer food and advice, to be present when someone is having a bad day, and when everything is going right for them, even if you're having the bad day.  And as hard as it is for me to sometimes grasp, to let people be alone when they ask.

Love is of course a mutual thing.  We should also be able to expect those same actions towards us from those    whom we love and who love us.


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