Saturday, July 9, 2011

Reflections for 7/9/11

"I suspect that the paths of righteousness he leads us in are more than anything else the paths of trust like that and the kind of life that grows out of that trust."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 180)

Trust is one of the hardest things to give and to maintain I suspect.  I know who I trust, because I can tell them anything, I believe fully that they have my best interest at heart.  I would do anything for them and go anywhere with them.

I don't know that I trust the government in the same way.  I'm not paranoid about them, I just doubt that those elected officials have any idea what I need or want out of life, so they are just a necessary inconvenience to me.

I trust God for the reasons that I stated above about the important people in my life.  I know that the life that I have that has grown out of that trusting relationship has impacted every other relationship.

Trust can lead to righteousness because the relationship is right.  It does not lead to self-righteousness, because that is relationship out of whack.

Who do you trust?  Who trusts you? Is the path you're walking one that people will follow or walk along side of you? Or do you walk a lonely road?


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