Friday, July 29, 2011

Reflections for 7/29/11

"For another thing, his father, King David, was always either spoiling him rotten or reading him the riot act.This did not promote stability of character."(F.Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p.195)

It has been a few weeks since I've written a reflection. I've been on an amazing journey, otherwise known as a vacation, with my two sons.  We traveled well over 4000 miles in 11 days, touring Midwest baseball stadiums.  Mrs Zelley chose to stay home in the air conditioned comfort of the house and work at her new job.

I wouldn't call the trip a bonding time, mainly because I believe I have a good relationship with my sons.  I'm not their best friend, I don't try to be.  I'd like to believe that I've been a good dad. One who has allowed them to grow up reasonably happy, and with reasonable boundaries and expectations.

I don't believe they are above reproach, but I will say that I find their behavior normal for teenagers.

Most parent/child relationships are complex.  In many ways most of us reflect our upbringings, and in some less fortunate cases have to heal from them.

24 hours of straight contact with the same people for 11 days can either affirm what you already feel about someone or drive you nuts.  I'd have to say that these last 11 days affirmed what I already knew about my sons.  They are basically decent people. Their behavior not abnormal for the age group.  And how blessed I feel to have spent this time with them showing them important parts of my past, and sharing a common love we have for the sport of baseball.


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