Saturday, February 9, 2013

Reflection for 2/9/13

"If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand?"(Psalm 130:3)

In the survey that I use for premarital counseling there is a question about unfair tactics in fighting.  One of the possible tactics is 'bringing up past mistakes."  You and your spouse are having one of those arguments, perhaps the result of the proverbial last straw and the verbal assault begins, as the fight digresses away from the original point, suddenly you are confronted by something that happened last week, last year, when you were a teenager.  Your left baffled because you don't see it coming. And now you have to defend against something that you thought was well in the past.

The psalmist offers us though a bit of hope.  Here in this verse we see that while God could keep a record of all the things we've done wrong, apparently he must not be doing this, because all of us would be in trouble.
While forgiveness for those times where we mess up is always available, it doesn't give us carte blanche to do whatever we like.  It should free us from walking on eggshells and looking over our shoulder constantly.

Since we are called to pattern our lives after God, perhaps we to should spend less time marking iniquities.  Not storing past mistakes to be brought up at a more convenient time.  If we were all held constantly accountable for everything in our past, life would be miserable.

I'm thankful for the fresh starts I've been given.


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