Monday, February 4, 2013

Reflections for 2/4/13

"I urge you brothers and sisters to keep an eye on those who cause dissensions and offenses, in opposition to the teaching that you have learned; avoid them."(Romans 16:17)

I don't particularly enjoy arguments or conflict in general.  I'd like to think that reasonable people can disagree.  However I also know that there are folks out there who get some sick kind of pleasure in being instigators.  They will start an argument just for the sake of having the argument.  Not to further a cause or to get things moving that feel stuck, but to be nothing more than deliberately disruptive in the life of a community.

One of the things I've noticed when there is dissension within a group is the finger pointing that always accompanies it.  Who started it? Who caused the dissension?  Then I'll know who to avoid.  The answer usually is who ever I disagree with started it.  Which isn't entirely fair to the other party.

Perhaps I need to take the time and listen to how they experienced the issue. Because sometimes dissension is in fact healthy.

What I know I'll continue to try and avoid are people who just are itching for a fight.  Those who live to cause controversy, but don't wish to see it through to a reasonable resolution.  I'll keep an eye on them and an eye out for them. 

I won't avoid those I disagree with, I will try and avoid those who won't give the same level of listening that they demand.


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