Friday, February 15, 2013

Reflection for February , 15, 2013

"So whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God."(1 Corinthians 10:31)

At first glance Paul's advice would seem to be a do whatever you want.  That somehow doesn't seem right to me. Probably because it isn't.  There are things I can choose to do that are just wrong if not not illegal.  I can't hide wrong decisions and bad behavior behind some mantra of that I did it for the glory of God.

I do hear Paul saying that life is to be enjoyed, and not a journey on egg shells.  There is a celebratory aspect to a life that is lived for God and in thanks to God.  When I spend time with my family, I do so to the glory of God who gave me that family.  When I work out at the gym, I do so to the glory of God, because I want to be a good steward of the body I've been given.  When I eat what is set before me, without fanfare but always with thanks, even if it isn't my favorite, I do so to the glory of God and in thanks for gracious hospitality and the good things that are provided for my nourishment.

If I can represent my faith in ways that build up and do not tear down others, I do so to the glory of God.  Acknowledging that the embrace of God is open to all not just me and those like me.

Where do you see your actions and what brings you joy as giving glory to God.  When we live our lives with thanksgiving it is always to the glory of God.


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