Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Reflection for 11/13/2013

"From the ends of the earth I call to you, when my heart is faint.  Lead me to the rock that is higher than I."(Psalm 61:2)

Have you ever had one of those periods in life where you feel like nothing is going right?  Most of us have and hopefully those periods don't last too long.

I had one recently it lasted about a week, where I just didn't feel like anything was going right.  I even literally felt sort of sluggish in the heart area.  I could feel myself wanting to cry out, desiring to indeed feel like I'd been lifted out of that pit and back on solid ground again.

I love the honesty of the psalms, how they really get to the heart of the human condition.  As people of faith we can cry out to God, no matter where we find ourselves.  The psalms even give us permission to scream at God, though I think most of us pass up that opportunity.  We've seen what happens when Bruce Almighty did that.

I also like the rock imagery, not only from a Christological perspective, but also just that notion that there is really something solid we can put our feet on, regain a sense of standing up.  Perhaps get a different perspective when we look outside of ourselves or higher as the psalm said.

The other thing I notice is that the psalmist asked to be led to the rock.  Don't put me there, lead me there, show me the way, and continue to give me the freedom to get there by trusting your guidance.


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