Saturday, November 2, 2013

Reflections for 11/2/2013

Today is the day the church sets aside for remembering All the Faithful Departed, or as my more traditionalist colleagues like to call it All Souls Day.

I know of churches were special prayers will be said at services as people remember their loved ones who have died.

I certainly have been around death for a long time.  I still vividly remember my Grandfather's viewing and funeral when I was in second grade.  I didn't have a lot of death around me except for a beloved cat growing up.  Of course now that I'm a priest, I deal with death regularly.  I've had a few moments where I have felt more grief than in other moments, but I've gotten better about holding others people's grief.

I really see death as the ultimate mid-life crisis.  A changing from one existence to another.  I have no proof that this happens, I just have my hope fed faith.

I do know that transitions often can feel like death, even though they aren't literally.

Today was a transition of sorts for  me.  I watched the literal passing of the crozier, the symbol of authority in the Episcopal Church, as one beloved Bishop let go and our new Bishop, who hopefully will also be beloved took hold.  I also saw the outgoing Bishop drive away in his car from the event.  That had its own symbolism for me.

I don't know what this transition ultimately means for me personally. Time will tell. I'm optimistic because I've always enjoyed a good relationship with the Bishops I've served under and cannot think of any reason why that trend shouldn't continue.

But I have so many other transitions hovering around me that today, I'm feeling that strange blend of joy and lament.


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