Thursday, November 7, 2013

Reflections for 11/7/2013

"In God I trust, I am not afraid. What can a mere mortal do to me?"(Psalm 57:11)

Being brave, not being afraid.  Easy advice sometimes.  But actually depends on the situation.  If I were to make a list I could think of many things "mere mortals could do to me."  They can in fact physically hurt me even to the point of death.  They can verbally assault me to a point where I no longer feel any value in myself. They can sue me, rob me, I could go on.  So yeah there's plenty that could or can be done.

The question I find myself asking is in spite of those possibilities, how will I live my life.  If I dwell constantly on the negative what-ifs, then I will be afraid,  If I acknowledge them but do not allow them to control me and put my trust instead in God, who I believe loves me, then I will not be paralyzed with fear.

It would be naive to believe there are not problems in the world and that from time to time we may encounter them in very personal ways.  But I have found for the most part, that my life is usually surrounded by people who do not make me afraid, even though there are folks out there telling me that those same people I should be terrified of.

But my trust in God, makes me brave without being foolish, moving but not taking thrill seeking risks.
The presence of God is often thrilling enough.


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