Monday, July 14, 2014

Reflection for July 14, 2014

"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."(Matthew 11:28)

In the Rite I Eucharist of the Episcopal Church, this verse is said right before the Peace is exchanged in what are known as the comfortable words.

I've thought a lot about being weary lately.  Yes part of it is all the moving and transitioning of children to the next chapter of life. Part of it is that I rise early and stay up too late.  There is also a weariness and a burden that I sometimes feel when I think about my own future.  Not about dying, but about if I will ever have a chance to do a different type of ministry or am I destined to retire from my current position?

I am not unhappy, just restless.  I carry a heavy burden of uncertainty that I have placed on myself.  Maybe that's what is meant by a come to Jesus moment.  I need to let go of things that tire me out mentally and spiritually.  The physical weariness will take care of itself.  To give some of these burdens that I sense on me, over to the one who can handle them.  And after a while, if they are burdens I really need to bare, then I can take that yoke back on.


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