Thursday, July 24, 2014

Reflection for July 24, 2014

"So the last will be first and the first will be last."(Matthew 20:16)

Having a last name of Zelley, I've never been a big fan of going in alphabetical order.  9 out of 10 times you wind up being last.  I always wondered if the person choosing might consider starting with Z and ending with A but that would require too much thinking I suppose.

Nobody really likes to be last.  As a kid being the last one chosen for a team gave you the message that nobody really wanted you. To be the last one to know something makes you feel out of the loop or perhaps again not very important.

Sometimes we do have to wait our turn, and we may be the last in line.  However as long as I get my turn it shouldn't be the end of my world.

There will be times when I am first, though probably not as often as I would like.  And it is also possible that in the realm of God, we're all first on his list, no matter where we stand in earthly comparison.


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