Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Reflections for July 22, 2014

"So my heavenly Father will also do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart."(Matthew 18:35)

I have probably forgiven someone at some point in my life and probably from the heart.  I will also have to admit that it was probably easy to do because I have never had someone hurt me so deeply that forgiveness seemed almost impossible.

How would I know if I've succeeded in doing this?  I think the first sign would be that the words came out easily. I didn't have to swallow as I said it, there was not tension in my body. I could look the person in the eye if we were face to face.

A second sign that it had worked would be that whatever had been done to need forgiving in the first place was no longer taking center stage in my mind.  I no longer felt any need to recall it, bring it back up later as a weapon to be used in a future fight.

How would I know if I've been forgiven from heart?  Much of what was said above holds true.  I would also add that if I and the person that forgave me are able to start a new, then it may have.  I don't think it can go back to what it was, but might be a from this day forward moment.

I certainly am glad God has a big enough heart to forgive me when I mess up in my relationship with God, others and myself.


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