Saturday, April 17, 2010

Reflections for 4/17/10

"This day, allow us to hear anew. Allow us to receive afresh. Allow us to become all that you want us to become, for your sake, for the coming of the Kingdom."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 160)

So much of life is repetitive. Everyday I hear things, but they rarely seem knew. Often its the same old same old, with just a few twists to make it seem like this is something new. So much in life feels mundane. That rhythm of life, which keeps us centered can often dull us to the point of missing so much.

What would it mean to hear anew? For me that is an invitation to clean out my ears so to speak. Perhaps what I consider to be the same old same old, with a different perspective or listening for something I may have missed might be in order.

What would it mean to receive afresh? For me it would mean to receive things with eyes, mind and arms wide open. But again the afresh is within me, not outside of me. Some of the baggage that I carry may inhibit my ability to receive afresh. Some of the lenses which I view the world may need a little cleaning.

That is not to say that I have everything wrong. But if I do not pay attention to the way I hear and the way I receive, I will remain stuck, and will miss many of the wonderful opportunities that God has waiting for me to pay attention.


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