Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Reflections for 4/20/10

"Mystics have a profound sense that all is united. They don't departmentalize life because they know deeply that God is the center, and all things are connected to the center. Their circle is very wide and broad and there is room for everything inside of it...They're wide-open people, with room to integrate everything: faith, intelligence, politics, science and the humanities."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 162)

I doubt I would be accused of being a mystic. I realize right from the outset that I have a habit of departmentalizing my life. I usually will call it "what hat am I wearing." I maybe more aware of it due to being a clergy person. The complexity of being Ed, sometimes is quite confusing for those who only see "priest" and then apply their stereotype.

On a deeper level though I do see that rich tapestry of me as being centered in God. That all that I love and enjoy in life are gifts from God. I also try to have a wide and broad circle with room for many things.

I try to be a truly good "liberal" one who sees some level of truth in differing opinions. I value my liberal arts eduction because it connected all of the learning. I also try to integrate most of my experiences in life, either as teachable moments, where I learn from my mistakes, or places of growth through new ideas.

Being a mystic may be a little to holy for me. But patterning some of life in the more mystical tradition of the Christian faith makes a great amount of sense to me.


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