Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reflections for 7/21/10

"Few things are needed or desired by the one who lives simply because life is centered on another level of value. And maybe it isn't always specifically religious; maybe it's music , art, nature, or even work for a great ideal. St. Theresa of Avila put it, 'When they serve me partridge, I'll eat partridge; when they serve me porridge, I'll eat porridge.' So when the nice dress comes along, you're not going to sneer at it in the name of simplicity. No, it's a nice dress, it's pretty, and you'd probably feel great wearing it. But you don't need it. That's the difference, and the simple person knows the difference."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 255)

While I certainly resonate with the idea of living simply, having only what I really need, I can't claim I'm all that successful. Whatever I have it is not by some altruistic choice, but more financial necessity. I know this is regrettably true because I still find my self wanting things, that I don't need.

I also know that there are three other people living on my "little island" their wants and needs also trying to stake a claim.

I try very hard to enjoy what I have and to be thankful for it. I also try to receive graciously things offered to me that I might myself not buy.

I wonder of the things that I have, what could I truly live without? TV possibly. Car, not living where I do. This computer? Possibly. The rest of my life seems void of luxury items and "toys." I may be getting frugal in my old age, now if I can couple that with gratefulness, then it would truly be golden.


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