Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Reflection for August 5, 2014

"Then he said to them 'The Sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the Sabbath;'"(Mark 2:27)

Do you have a "Sabbath?"  I do it is Friday.  I know that within religious communities the Sabbath can be Saturday or Sunday.  Or at least that's when we choose to worship.

Of course Sabbath does not necessarily have to be about going to church or synagogue.  It has to do with taking an intentional break.  Can quality time communing with God be a part of that? Absolutely. As a matter of fact it probably should.

When Jesus says that the Sabbath was made for humankind, he reminds us that it is a gift from God to us.  Make it into a commandment so that we actually might do it.  Seems God knows us to well. If we didn't have to we'd never stop doing!  We'd work as many waking hours as possible.  Yes we'd complain about it, but still we are a driven culture.

By being intentional about taking a Sabbath, we not only create the space for God, but we also give our selves a chance to catch our breath, renew our bodies and minds.  And if you think about it, by doing so, we probably would be more productive anyway.


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