Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reflection for August 19, 2014

"But he began to curse, and swore and oath, 'I do not know the man you are talking about.'"(Mark 14:71)

Have you ever been in an awkward situation and can feel your brain start to scramble as you look for a way out of it?  It is amazing how fast our minds can come up with an excuse, or even a lie, if we think we are in some sort of danger.

Perhaps we even begin to make promises, try to show some type of indignation, just to prove how earnest we are in wanting to be believed.

Peter certainly felt that need to scramble.  3 times we know he attempted to dodge the inquisition.  In the end of course he succeeded in the very thing he had hoped to fail, denying Jesus.

Not knowing the man you are talking about.  That of course was his final lie.  But I reflect on that and wonder are there things people say about Jesus, about others that when I hear it, I think I don't know that person?  That description doesn't fit.  We do know a person named that, but what you are telling me makes no sense.

How do you know Jesus?  What is your description of him and who he is to you?  Does what you say cause others to relate or to say I don't who you're talking about.


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