Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Reflections for 5/19/10

"The saints are so aware that love is not something to be worked for-to be worked up to or learned in workshops. It breaks through now and then, in ways suddenly obvious. Maybe it's looking at a sunset or a beloved one; maybe it's a moment of insight or a gut intuition of the foundational justice and truth of all things. But when you discover love, you want to thank somebody for it. Because you know you didn't create it. You know you didn't practice it, you are just participating in it. Love is that which underlies and grounds all things. As Dante said, love is the energy, 'that moves the sun, the moon, and the other stars.'"(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 189)

When I reflect on what motivates me, quite often it is love. I want to do things for my wife because I love her. I want to participate in the lives of my sons because I love them. The care and concern that I try to offer to the members of the church that I serve are born out of love for them.

The desire to be compassionate, to seek justice, mercy and peace come out of my love for God.

My exercising and attempting to eat better and to start planning a little more ahead of time, are born out of a love for myself.

I do want to live in a place where thankfulness is what is lived out. Thankfulness for what is really great in my life. Thankfulness for the lessons that can be learned when things don't go the way I thought they might.

Thankfulness for the people in my life that allow me to participate in love and who love me back.


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