Sunday, May 23, 2010

Reflections for 5/23/10

"So the Church has always been afraid of the charismatic, has always feared those who speak of the Spirit because they cannot be easily organized. The Spirit blows where the Spirit will, like the wind: It comes from and goes where you know not."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 194)

Today is the Feast of Pentecost, the day when the church celebrates its birthday. The day when scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples, making them apostles and allowing everyone to understand them. Sort of fixing the Tower of Babel story.

The charismatic movement in my denomination is not very strong. Not too many Episcopalians speak in tongues. That's not to say that we don't have gifts, charisms if you will, but they don't tend to be very out there.

I always enjoyed this day growing up. At my church we would send up red helium filled balloons with a message on them, religious of course, with the church's address on the other side. We would see if any got mailed back and how far they went.

You can't do balloons anymore, bad for the environment, so we'll have our flamboyant moment in a different way this morning. It will be something that isn't the norm, and is very creative. I look forward to it.

May the Holy Spirit enliven your life in some new and fantastic way today.


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