Saturday, May 22, 2010

Reflections for 5/22/10

"Fortunately, God has grown used to our small and cowardly ways. God knows that we settle for easy certitudes instead of gospel freedom. And God is determined to break through. The Spirit eventually overcomes the obstacles that we present and surrounds with enough peace so that we can face the 'wounds in his hands and his side.' We meet the true Jesus, wounds and all, and we greet our true selves for perhaps the first time. 'the two are almost the same. 'Peace be with you,' he says again."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 192-193)

Today is the Eve of Pentecost. The day when the church says that the Holy Spirit came as a gift from God to lead us. How interesting that we rarely allow that leadership to have any power. Give me the clearly marked directions to life. Not that risky stuff, where the outcome isn't a given. To trust in the Holy Spirit takes a real level of freedom and space.

I try to live in the Spirit. To just open the windows of the mind and heart and see where God leads.

I encounter lots of folks who give lip service to living in the spirit, but will back away from anything that does not fit neatly into their preconceived world view. They might even use the Bible to back them up, subversively denying the Spirit's ability to do anything in our own day. Maybe that's why we wax nostalgic for by gone eras.

What can you or I do when the doors of our heart seem barred to the Holy Spirit. Will we have enough courage to open up when the wind comes blowing through. Or will we once again bunker down and try to ride out the storm.


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