Thursday, May 20, 2010

Reflections for 5/20/10

"Yet faith happens in the in-betweens, the interruptions, the thresholds. It happens when I've left this room where I was in control, where I had my self-explanation, where I had my ego boundaries, where I had my moral sense of my own rightness and superiority."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 190)

I tend to be comfortable with ambiguity. Absolute certainty seems at times like a foreign concept to me. When I think I have the definite answer then all of sudden the question changes or some new challenge arises. What gets me through those times change and challenge has been faith.

Faith for me is not about being right all the time, or being better than anyone else. Faith for me is the ability to keep on keeping on even when things feel like they are not in my control anymore.

Faith is also for me the ability not to get to caught up in my own press clippings. Faith keeps me from getting to inflated either self or by others. When I allow that ego side to be in control, I become quite frustrated with my inability to move up the corporate ladder.

And then faith kicks in and says, you have what you need, you're doing what you're called to do. When that changes I'll let you know.


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