Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Reflections for 5/26/10

"Saving one's soul and falling in love with God are two very different journeys. Because we told our people to save their souls, they got into spiritual consumerism, gathering sacraments, holy works, ascetical practices-all affirming the false self. Now we've got these big Christian egos walking around, who are very self-protective, satisfied and conservative in the wrong way. Conversion is not on their agenda."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace p. 199)

"Are you saved?" Three words that I loathe being accosted by in parking lots, street corners and other public places. The problem is not that I don't know my answer to that question, I do. The answer is I am. Unfortunately I know that the inquisitor will not take that answer, because it will not allow them to tell me why I'm not.

I know why I'm saved, and I know how it happened. I also know that joining that person's church will not lead to salvation. I'm also far more interested in the journey of falling in love with God. Jesus took care of my soul on the cross, by denying that or trying to work my way into his good graces defeats and mocks the whole salvation story.

Unfortunately the churches have had to buy into the consumerist culture, we use its language and methodology instead of creating space for folks to encounter the living God and work on that ongoing love affair with God.

And the more religious stuff we can accumulate the more puffed up we become. And as churches sell their souls to a competitive business model, we fulfill scripture by biting and devouring each other.

It does feel hopeless at times living in that world. One where it has to always be about me. Instead of seeing and valuing the shared love for God that folks who claim that faith have.


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