Friday, May 28, 2010

Reflections for 5/28/10

"People from privileged backgrounds expect that path always to be paved; they expect everything to work out. When it doesn't, they're not only disappointed, they feel wronged. They thin, How dare reality not work out for me! Why should I have to suffer? How dare the air conditioner not work!"(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 200-201)

There's a part of me that doesn't feel privileged. Yet I know fully well that I am. While I may not be the wealthiest person in the world, and have all the latest gadgets, I'm not starving. Nor do I have work two or more jobs just to make ends meet.

I can't say that everything goes the way I would hope for me. But I've learned not to expect it either. Even if I give it my best, I may not succeed. The only consolation is that I'll know that it wasn't because of who I am.

I have to laugh at the last line, because this week the condenser in the central air conditioner died. It is of course fixable, but the "poor Zelley's" had to open the windows and use fans during those 3 days of 90+ degree weather. Having not grown up with even a window unit, I survived. But it was a good reminder that there are plenty of people in this country for whom even a fan is a luxury item.

Yes I am privileged in many ways. Obstacles that exist for others may not be in my way. The real question is am I willing to use my place of privilege to help others or only myself.


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