Monday, June 13, 2011

Reflections for 6/13/11

"This church. The church on the other side of town, the other side of the world. All churches everywhere. The day will come when they will lie in ruins, every last one of them."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life." p. 156)

While this is a tad on the apocalyptic, the reality is that many churches do close.  I don't believe mine is in any danger at the moment, but I do know that there are faith communities that are barely surviving. 

There are a host of reasons for this. Demographics change. The church was operating independently and once the charismatic leader left, there was no one to replace them.  Some get so small that they cannot stay open do to financial constraints.

No matter what the reason, the closing of a church is always painful.  For those who called that place their faith home, many moments of their life resided in that building.  And when it is gone a piece of themselves goes with it.

We are told not to put to much attachment into a building, but that's easier said than done.  And it goes beyond churches.  Schools may have the same emotional attachment. Homes that we grew up in.  Whenever any place that we have memories of or in ceases to be, it hurts.

The best thing we can hope for is to remember the good times in those places that may no longer exist.

You know, I even find it a challenge when the place still exists but has changed from what I remember.


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