Saturday, June 25, 2011

Reflections for 6/25/11

"There is a game we play sometimes. If we could somehow meet one of the great ones of history, which one would we choose?"(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 167)

I certainly have played that game, though I think it usually was played more in the writing of a paper or answering an interview question.  I suppose the first choice would be obvious given my vocation, Jesus of Nazereth.  Next I'd take Paul of Tarsus.  Both I'd like to hear directly what they meant. I'd ask them what they thought of my world. 

Because my interests vary I would have someone in almost any field of study or era.  The history major in me would actually rather go back in time to observe events rather than interview individuals.  My hunch is that most of the great ones in history would be no better at articulating their real thoughts, motives etc. than our current important people are.  Imagine the great ones being interviewed by Jon Stewart or Bill O'Reilly to name two who people take seriously.

So who would you choose? What would you ask?  It is a fun game to play.  Here's another if someone in the future decided to come back and talk to you, what would you have to say?


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