Sunday, June 26, 2011

Reflections for 6/26/11

"To go on as though something has happened, even though we are not sure what it was or just where we are supposed to go with it, is to enter the dimension of life that religion is a word for."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 169)

I am sure there have been times in my life when I've experienced something or made a choice to do something and have no rational reason for doing it.  I don't mean that in some fool hardy or dangerous way.  But at a moment when I chose to take a direction that isn't clear to me where it will lead or why it is the right thing to do. I just know it to be right.

And when I reflect on the Elijah passage where he senses the presence of God not in earthquakes, wind, or fire, but in sheer silence.  Something that makes no sense but he comes out of the cave anyway, right then.

In a world where we feel that we constantly have to justify or choices, weigh every pro and con, look to make sure we considered every possible outcome, we may miss the real opportunity to live fully into our lives.  We may also miss out on encounters with God.

Often what we are looking for isn't as clear as it first seems.  Usually below the surface of what we articulate lies the real heart of what we long for and really need.


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