Thursday, February 11, 2010

Reflections for 2/11/10

"A favorite saying is, 'God helps those who help themselves.' I think the phrase can be understood correctly, but in most practical situations it is pure heresy. Scripture clearly says God helps those who trust in God, not those who help themselves. We need to be told that so strongly because of our entire 'do it yourself' orientation. As educated people, as Americans, our orientation is to do it. It takes applying the brakes, turning off our own power and allowing Another." (R. Rohr "Radical Grace" pp. 77)

This morning as I was digging out from this overabundance of snow, I saw a neighbor going up and down the sidewalks in the neighborhood with his snow thrower. He has a larger one than most people, and seemed quite content to just enjoy the beautiful blue skies and do something nice for other people. He didn't knock on anyone's door and ask for permission or compensation. He just did.

These random acts of kindness are the type that gives me hope for our world. The Protestant work ethic, coupled with the rugged individualism that has been a part of our Cultural mythology, can lead us away from the the type of mutual care that made the Judeo-Christian tradition so strong.

In my life there are tasks that I just have to do. I've been called to do them and I have the skills to do them. There are other tasks that I have to depend on others to do, because I lack the skill or the knowledge to do them. And admitting my limitations can be hard because then I might be, God forbid, dependent on others. And that fear fuels one of those deadly sins, pride.

Somewhere between the rugged individualism and the everybody do it for me attitude lies the healthy way of living, moving and having our being. Flowing from that healthier way of being comes a desire to help others, and to accept help from others. Now how do we create a truly healthier world?


1 comment:

  1. One argument I hear against national health care is this exact philosophy. "We shouldn't have to pay for the health of others." I don't know what you do with that kind of attitude.
