Monday, August 1, 2011

Reflections for 8/1/11

"The unflagging lunacy of God. the unending seaminess of man. the meeting between them that is always a matter of life or death and usually both."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p.200)

Every time I get asked to do something, I'm always wondering if this is a matter of life or death?  I can recall as a parent of younger children, saying "is there blood?" when responding to some apparent crisis.

The truth is that when I'm in a crisis, for me it is a matter of life or death. Or at least it seems that way.  And of course most of my problems come from really poor planning on my part.  I still am amazed how often the unflagging lunacy of God seems to step in and at least reorient me or calm me down.  The lunacy is how often I'm rescued from my own apparent life or death situation.  And this probably due  to my over blowing the situation and through that crazy grace being allowed to calm down and look at the truth of the situation before proceeding further.


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