Friday, September 10, 2010

Reflections for 9/10/10

"We're First World. We are a people who have been graced unbelievably on many levels. And there's no point in feeling guilty about that, but ours is the large middle-class Church, and the mentatlity that goes with that must be challenged by the gospel."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 303)

On an economic level I am pretty much middle class. I do have a higher level of education than many middle class people, but I do understand the mentality. That feeling of living with one's head just above the water. You know there are people in worse financial shape than you, but it is little consolation. In some ways fear becomes a primary emotion.

And that is the emotion that I find the gospel challenges me with. Do I have enough trust in God's mercy and love for me, that all will be well? Do I believe that I really do get my daily bread? Is there enough for me to be able to reach out to others? Gospel questions for sure, and ones that folks like me need to be confronted with and pray about regularly.


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