Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reflections for 9/27/10

"The beggar who continues to pester the Lord is more pleasing than the dutiful and self-sufficient servant."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p.322)

In my line of work we have some folks who do what we call "lone rangering." Perhaps other jobs have similar folks, the people who do everything, do not involve others, and ultimately create a dependency on them rather than a healthy system.

It is a very hard thing to battle one's own pride. Nobody wants to be seen as needy, a beggar if you will. Yet the Bible seems to point to a God who is actually interested in hearing from us. What is is it that we want?

This seems to be countered by the phrase "God helps those who help themselves." I'm not sure that is even biblical, but it is definetely American.

We like being self-sufficient, not needing help from anyone at anytime. Yet there are very few people who never need help.

Are we smart enough and humble enough to be able to ask for help when we need it. Or do we think as long as I'm trying failure and helplessness are viable options.


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