Saturday, September 4, 2010

Reflections for 9/4/10

"Simply put, the third temptation is the need to be in control, to be aligned with power and money. The three temptations that Jesus faces, in a certain sense, all become one: the addictive system, the great lie, the untouchable mythology, 'the sin of the world'(John 1:29)that must be unmasked and dethroned. And I know nothing strong enough to break the mythology-not ideology, not liberalism, not conservatism-except the upside down gospel of Jesus. You must refound your life on a new foundation, the foundation of you experienced union with God."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 297)

Most of us at some point in our lives have to have a restart, or a refounding. I know that when I try hard to have total control over things, some unpleasant experience usually follows. The more I try to impress people with power, or worry about money, the less happy I actually am.

When I only try to control those parts of my life that I have been given authority over, I get more done, and I actually enjoy it. When I live life fully within my means, I enjoy it a lot more.

When I base my self worth solely on my faith in my God-image bearing, and my experience of the presence of God in my life, the blessings I have and the way I have never totally bottomed out, even when I could see the bottom coming, are where I've found the best foundation on which to build my life.


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