Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Reflections for 3/31/10

"Whenever he goes to the desert he returns to the city to preach the word with new power. What is this word? That the Father has absolute claim to our fidelity, our love and our life, that God's love is unconditional and forever." (R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 142)

Going away for a while, just to be alone. Most of us wish for such a time. Sometimes we call it vacation, sometimes a retreat. And of course there are just times when we want to run away from everything.

Whatever the prompting to recreation, it is ultimately to recreate, to recharge and to renew. Sometimes our vacations tire us out more than the thing we were escaping. But when they are truly rest filled and enjoyable, we can come back ready to take on our small piece of the world. To once again address the challenges, issues and tasks which lie before us.

Jesus knew he that going away for a while would only give him more energy. And maybe this is one of those WWJD moments. When I get to the place of feeling worn down, empty or useless, to remind myself of that unconditional and unending love, and the invitation to go away for a time and let God renew.


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