Monday, March 15, 2010

Reflections for 3/15/10

"I try to keep a blank sheet as much as possible in my life, and its a blank sheet you've got to seek again everyday. Get your own agenda, hurts, neediness and fears out of the way, so that you've offered God a blank sheet to write on when it's time to write some words on your soul." (R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 128)

Trying to find a blank sheet of paper is very hard for me. Most of the paper in this house already has writing on it. Most communications are done via email and that's partially an environmental choice I suppose.

But there is very little in my life that feels like a blank sheet. My date book seems full of activity, my to do list always has something on it. But this image of a blank sheet before God as I enter into my daily prayer time is intriguing. Most of the time I already have my "what to let God know about list" which is silly since I believe God knows everything. But what would happen if I get that part out of the way, but then do not end the prayer time. If I enter into a period where I'm doing the listening rather than all the talking. And have a literal and metaphorical blank sheet with me. I may be very surprised at what I hear.

Yes each day should feel like a blank sheet, a fresh start. Yet because of our overly planned lives there's little room for surprises or spur of the moment decisions. And yet those can be the very thing that God wants us to be attentive to.


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