Sunday, March 21, 2010

Reflections for 3/21/10

"To have an attitude of faith is to hear the Lord speaking everywhere and all the time, in the concrete and ordinary circumstances of our lives. Then religion and life have become one, and we are never far from God. That's why people of faith never grow old and never grow tired. They don't need signs, wonders, apparitions and visions. God has quietly broken through and stands perfectly revealed in the now of things." (R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 133)

I've been told I look young. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Certainly there are days when I feel young, when I don't feel like I'm almost halfway through another decade. I'm sure I'll get old chronologically, but I hope I don't grow old in the sense of being worn out and no longer enjoying the present time. I do get tired, but not weary and that's generally because I stay up to late and get up to early, and of course that's a choice.

But I do believe that a good chunk of what keeps me looking young is my faith. A faith that lives in joy, has an ability to keep heart, mind, ears and eyes open. I don't worry so much about what God once did but instead choose to see what God is doing now, and look forward to what God might have in store for me next.

When we relegate God solely to the past, we close our ears to hear what he is saying now. And when God only acts in the past, then we do grow old and tired. Because the changes that occur daily in our midst become more than we can handle.

Today is a new day in my relationship with God. What will God think of next?


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