Friday, January 23, 2015

Reflection for January 23, 2015

"The wisdom to discern when it is appropriate to turn the other cheek and when it is time to raise the umbrella comes only from listening to the heartbeat of the Great Rabbi."(Reflections for Ragamuffins January 23)

We all have heard Jesus say to turn the other cheek.  We call him the prince of peace, here's his words to love others.  And all of those are good words to heed in their proper moment.  We sometimes will miss other words of Jesus, which are also ways to interact with others in their appropriate moment.  "The devil is your father and you prefer to do what your father wants."(John 8:44) How much longer must I put up with you?" (Matthew 17:17)  "Get behind me Satan!"(Matthew 16:23)  "Stop turning my Father's house into a marketplace."(John 2:16)

Discernment of response is critical to living well in this world.  What does the circumstance call for if you're going to do what Jesus would do?  To constantly turn the other cheek, can lead one to be victimized or at least taken advantage of.  But there are moments when letting it go is also the right response.  To constantly giving the same reaction back, eye for eye mentality, usually steeped in anger is also just as unhealthy, there may be a momentary glimpse of winning, but ultimately that default position will wind up turning in on you.  But there are moments when a less peaceful response is called for.

The real problem is that sometimes it isn't clear what response is called for at that moment, and you have to take a moment, breathe and pray.


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