Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reflections for 2/16/11

"There were memorable moments and unmemorable moments, and as far as my sense of being trapped is concerned, it was the unmemorable ones, the apparently random and everyday ones, that turned out to be the key moments, the key that let me out of the trap at last."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" pp.47-48)

Like most people I have a datebook. Mine is still old-fashioned, I actually write in it.  Someday I'll join the modern era and have a smart phone.

When I looked at today's date, it was empty. There were no appointments, no meetings.  It was just a day.  These are of course the type of days when something inevitably arises to take up all that free time.  I could also get motivated perhaps and use the time to take care of some second and third level "to do's."

There are times that I feel trapped in my small little world.  I wonder what "life in the big city," metaphorically speaking, would be like.  And yet it is those unmemorable moments that keep my spirit's up.  It will be in responding to the unforeseen, non-scheduled event.

Of course I'm not literally trapped at the moment. I've made choices that keep me where I am.  And I intend to honor those choices.  When the time comes to finally open that door and walk on out, I need to keep looking and working towards having the right key or remembering where I left it.


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