Monday, February 7, 2011

Reflections for 2/7/11

"At their strongest and saintliest, I believe they knew that in the last analysis they weren't really a spiritual elite, not really better than other people. They were just luckier."(F.Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p.37)

Yesterday I preached about being the salt of the earth, the light of the world etc.  I believe that most of us are in fact salt of the earth people.  We're not super heroes. We won't be famous for anything.  We generally do what is right or at least attempt to. We don't go around saying notice me. Without salt of the earth folk, little would get done. 

We generally take salt as a given in life.  Yet in places where we expect it and it is absent, we notice.  Same for salt of the earth folks, when they aren't around you notice immediately.

The times when I've had the privilege of working at food bank, I find it quite humbling actually. To see folks who are grateful for what is being given them, and to realize how often I am ungrateful for the multitude of things that I have.

I'm not a better person than most of the people I've encountered who are not as economically privileged as I am.  I'm not wealthy by any American definition of that word.  But I have enough.  I am lucky in this economy to have a job, and not only a job but one that I love.  I am lucky to have my health.

As a Christian I would call luck, blessings, though with a grain of salt if you will. Because if what I've described as blessings others do not have, I do not consider them cursed. 

Maybe lucky is the right word.


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