Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Reflection for September 10, 2014

"When the Pharisees saw him this, they said to his disciples, 'Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?'"(Matthew 9:11)

Has anyone ever questioned why you are hanging out with someone?  Personally I have a wide variety of friends.  They cut across the spectrum of politics, religious commitments, gender, race, sexual orientation, class and age.  I've always tried to just be with people and accept them for who they are.  If they want to be my friend, I'm happy to have them as friends.

For me that is a way of patterning my life after Christ.  I notice that he stays engaged with the people he encounters, even those who question everything he does, eg. The Pharisees.  Jesus never concerns himself with public opinion but chooses to befriend everyone and anyone who responds to the invitation.

I'm richer for having this variety in my social circles.  I'm glad to not be pigeon holed into being seen with only a particular clique.  If there are people who don't like that I have friends who aren't like them, that's their problem not mine.


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