Thursday, September 18, 2014

Reflection for September 18, 2014

"Get behind me Satan! You are stumbling block to me; for you are setting our mind not on divine things but on human things."(Matthew 16:23)

Have you ever had someone's opinion of you change rapidly.  Gone from best buddy to worst enemy.  Maybe you're not even sure what you did to cause such a drastic change in the friendship status.

Seems to be what happens to Peter.  He goes in one chapter from getting it right about who Jesus is, to wrong about what that means and will entail.  Goes from being "The Rock" to "Satan." 

His problem of course is he didn't like Jesus' understanding of what being the Messiah means and what the result would ultimately be.  It didn't sound like a very good plan.  And so Peter, after feeling like he's the smartest kid in the class decides to tell Jesus that this is a bad plan and we need a better one.  And shazam he's now Satan.

Focusing on divine things instead of human things is easy, when the divine lines up well with what I want to happen.  Not so much when what I'd like to see happen isn't part of the divine plan.  The real problem is how do we know the difference?  We could see how well what we're thinking gels with what scripture tells us?  But sometimes scripture tells us two different things on the same subject.  Sadly we really don't get to see if something is truly divine until we see whether it succeeds or happens.  But it leaves us not fully knowing and having to trust when we decide which way to go.

Will we have enough courage to risk getting it wrong or do we stay quiet and stuck.


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