Thursday, September 11, 2014

Reflection for September 11, 2014

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword."(Matthew 10:34)

On the anniversary of the terrorists attacks on our country, many of us continue to pray for peace and healing among the nations.  Certainly healing for those who suffered loss of loved ones on that day, but also for those who lost loved ones as a result of our reaction to that attack in our military excursions into Iraq and now Afghanistan, and as of last night now potentially Syria.

Where does it ever end.  As the dad of an enlisted Navy personnel I assure you I take these situations very seriously.  But I also believe fully in the Prince of Peace.

Yet here's that line from Jesus saying no peace but a sword.  That is usually the rhetoric of the militant, not peacemakers. 

I do know that conflict within and without is real, even when following Jesus.  How do we reconcile that inner conflict between a violent response to terrorism versus calls for peace and unity?  With threats seemingly everywhere, which way does our faith point us to?

I don't know the answer, and when looking at a group like ISIS, I am in conflict, a sword indeed. 


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