Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Reflection for September 3, 2014

"I lie down and sleep; I wake again, for the Lord sustains me."(Psalm 3:5)

Having just gotten back from the West Coast last week, I've found getting back into a normal sleep pattern hasn't been easy.  For a while my internal clock was waking up at around 5 am, and off to the gym I'd go.  Since my return I've need the alarm to wake me up.  While that's not really a huge problem, I know I liked just waking up, not being jolted by the alarm.

Sleep like any other important aspect of life, has a its own unique pattern.  There may even be rituals around sleep, some intentional, some that we're not even conscious of.  When you think about how your day generally starts and ends, do you notice rituals or habits?  If something interferes with those rituals or habits do you notice.

The ability to fall asleep and the gift of waking up another day are things I give thanks to God for. And I know that sooner rather than later that pattern I had before heading to Pacific Standard Time will come back.


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