Friday, September 26, 2014

Reflection for September 26, 2014

"So you on the outside look righteous to others, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness."(Matthew 23:28)

We all know that appearances can be deceiving.  We may see someone and our brains take in the information provided by the eyes and we make a judgment.  Sometimes are judgments are accurate, but it is true that our eyes can deceive us.  There are people who by outward appearance seem successful, wealthy, or perhaps the opposite a failure or poor.  It is also true that people can put on a good show.

If we take the time to get to know the person a little deeper than their outward appearance we might be surprised with what we learn.  I certainly have gotten to know folks who at first glance I might have thought about not engaging.  Put them into a neat little box that I've determined and go from there.  Frankly that's lazy.  When I take the risk of going deeper, I do find that my initial call was right.  But I've also been fooled at times.  Trusting when I shouldn't have.  I hope I haven't done the other way to much where choosing not to go deeper based on initial impressions and missing out on getting to know someone fascinating.

I try to make the outward me be an honest representation of the true me.  I hope that what people see is what they get, and that what they get is positive.  Might not always be true, but it is what I strive for.


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