Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Reflection for September 16, 2014

"But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink he cried out, 'Lord save me!'"(Matthew 14:30)

Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone and tried something that was new to you and perhaps even a little risky.  Not necessarily unsafe, but something where success was not guaranteed.
And as you venture forth, much to your surprise it seems to be working.  But as you continue questions start to come up, the original smoothness of the journey starts to evaporate, and you begin to doubt yourself and wonder why you tried this in the first place.

When we leave our comfort zone and take a leap of faith with something, we believe that we are being called by Christ to do it.  And if we can keep our focus on Christ and not the naysayers or even our own doubts and questions we might find success.  However if we allow those things to distract us, sinking is about the only thing will probably occur.

Sometimes it seems easier just to stay in the comfort of the familiar and just keep rowing.  But from time to time you have to get out of the boat.


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