Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Reflections for 6/15/10

"All the other paths are good and helpful and expansive, but the Jesus path is clearly my path and, I believe, the liberating path for the world."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 220)

Let's start with a confession, I don't actually know much about "other paths." I know that Christianity is not the only religion on the planet. I in fact have friends who are Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, and even Wiccan. I will not claim to know very much about them but I have seen the importance for my friends of the path they are on to at least respect their walk. What I know is Christianity, and that tradition as lived out in the Episcopal Church.

If they wanted to have a conversation or ask me about my faith, I'm ready to talk, but do not feel compelled to witness beyond the actions I take and the way I pattern my life after Christ's example. Clearly the "other paths" have something to offer, or we Christians wouldn't co-opt practices from them and incorporate them into our tradition.

I know the Great Commission is to go and make disciples, and I'm trying to do my part. I do believe there are folks out in our world who need to see and hear how a relationship with God through Christ really can bring life and meaning. I'm just not as convinced that going after people of other faiths is the best use of my time, especially considering there are so many people with absolutely nothing.

And it is really hard to live in that in between space, when folks who are walking on the same path don't like the way I walk or the pace I take.


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