Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reflections for 6/16/10

"Franciscan spirituality has never been an abstraction. It is grounded in Jesus' specific instructions to his disciples; not in theology. Fransiscanism does not easily move into ideology. Francis' living of the gospel was just that: life-style pure and simple. It was the incarnation continuing in space and time. It was the presence of the Spirit taken seriously. It was being Jesus more than simply worshipping him. At its best, Fransciscanism is flesh-naked flesh-unable to deny its limitation, unable to cover its wounds. Francis called it poverty."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 220)

Much of what I've read of "Franciscan" ways of being Christian speak to me. While I'm not ready to take on another vow or promise if you will, I personally find it hard enough to maintain the three that I've taken.

While I believe that everyone is a theologian, I'm usually not drawn towards reading about theology. To graduate from Seminary I had to read, learn and write about various theologians, but I'm not ready to quote any of them off the top of my head.

I try to do more living a Christian life, than thinking about it. I would much rather see my interactions with others as revealing Christ, than I would any academic treatise I might write.

That is not to say that we shouldn't have some thinking behind what we believe. I would just like to see those thoughts and dogmas more easily transferred into actions that matter.


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