Sunday, June 6, 2010

Reflections for 6/6/10

"The Catholic understanding of Christianity, at its best, does not emphasize how to get you in the skies, but how to get your feet on the ground, how to get in touch with the real. Truly Catholic Christianity tells us how to get into society, into history, tied to the common good, how to be part of the muddiness and fleshiness of it all. We at the body of Chris; we don't just reflect on his ideas. That's primal, archetypal, transformative energy."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 211)

While I am not a Catholic, as in Roman, I do understand the aspect of Eucharistic theology that Fr. Rohr is talking about.

As I reflect on my own faith journey, it has been receiving communion on a weekly basis that has been what empowers me through the muddiness of the rest of the week.

You may recall the V8 commercials where people were walking tilting to the right because they weren't balanced. That is in some ways how communion has been for me. The work and ministry I do the rest of the week is fueled and given meaning by what I receive on Sunday morning. It doesn't save me, faith does that. But it is an essential part of my ongoing salvation.


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