Sunday, June 20, 2010

Reflections for 6/19/10

"We go around beating our breasts and feeling sinful, as if that were doing anything for God or humans! In truth it is a refusal to allow God to be merciful.
Chapter 22 of the Book of Revelation (the end of the Bible) eloquently expresses the mercy of God: These words are trustworthy and true! They are already fulfilled! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To anyone who thirst I will give drink without cost form the spring of life-giving water.
God will give water free! But humans always want to buy, earn or deserve."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 223-224)

Most of us know someone who sits around feeling sorry for themselves. Either beating themselves up or singing the woe is me song. You sometimes want to say get up get moving. You're not helping yourself or anyone else.

While I willingly participate in a weekly confession of sin, I don't dwell all week long on it. Instead I choose to accept God's mercy and forgiveness, and attempt to do better the next time.

But it is hard to accept free stuff, in spite of the phrase "if it's free it's for me." The things we often value are those that we've earned, paid for either with sweat or cash. And it is true that there is a feeling of accomplishment when we've worked hard at something and succeeded.

But there are times when we need to be gracious and accept things that are freely offered. Help from others, gifts, and God's grace. Those are the times when we should truly embrace the "if it's free it's for me." Rather than only when it is something we don't need.


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